Wonder - Newsletter 03/03/23

Dear friends,

This week I was fortunate to have a day on Wednesday where I went on retreat with some of my fellow church leaders, led by Bishop Olivia. The retreat was wonderful and a great opportunity for us as individuals to spend time in our own journey of discipleship. Part of what came out of the morning for me was a renewed sense of wonder in creation. I have always loved and enjoyed the natural world; I feel most at home when I am outside enjoying the countryside. And while I feel great anywhere, my most sacred space is the Welsh hills. There is a sense of beauty there which always fills me with wonder and awe.

I once heard of a Vicar who was leading services regularly as usual in the local church on Sunday. One week he was struck by how beautiful the world looked in the morning sunlight and so he said to those who had gathered "We're moving this morning's worship. Instead of worshipping in this wonderful church building, we're going to worship in God's cathedral." And he led them outside and led the service amongst the trees and accompanied by the birds singing. I think the phrase "God's cathedral" is a brilliant way to describe the natural world for those of us who might sometimes attach a little bit more importance to places than we should. There can be a sense of awe and wonder at our church buildings but we must remember that, while they might be inspired by God, they are designed and built by humans. The natural world is the true expression of God's own character and one of the best places to connect with our creator.

As we grow up and we are bruised and battered by the storms of life, we can often lose a sense of awe and wonder; we can often stop being so amazed by things and become a little jaded and perhaps too inward looking. I would like to give us all a challenge this week. I would like us to go outside to a place which we enjoy being - whether it is your garden, a local woods, a play park, near a lake, wherever - and then close our eyes for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds open our eyes but don't simply open them as we normally do but open them and really look around. Look at the beauty around us and take a breath in as we take in the majesty and wonder of the natural world which God shares with us. Through that, my prayer is that we all find a moment of connection with God through the beauty of nature. And as you go about your week, stay safe, warm and keep the faith.

March Services

5th March
9:15am - Holy Communion (with Sunday Club) @ St. John the Evangelist, Littlewick Green
10:30am - God Through Music @ St. Mary the Virgin, Hurley
5pm - Evensong (BCP) @ St. James-the-Less, Stubbings

12th March
8am - Holy Communion (BCP) @ St. James-the-Less, Stubbings
10:30am - Holy Communion @ St. Mary the Virgin, Hurley
4pm - Family Service @ St. John the Evangelist, Littlewick Green

19th March (Mothering Sunday)
9:15am - Holy Communion @ St. John the Evangelist, Littlewick Green
10:30am - God in Quiet @ St. Mary the Virgin, Hurley
11:00am - Holy Communion (BCP) @ St. James-the-Less, Stubbings

26th March
8am - Holy Communion (BCP) @ St. James-the-Less, Stubbings
10:30am - Holy Communion @ St. Mary the Virgin, Hurley

Pebbles and Sunday Club
We so often share news to let people know about what they might do but this is a celebration of what is going on! As you may know, we started Pebbles in Hurley last September and we had a wonderful morning today with 8 children and 5 grown-ups having a great time playing, singing and hearing a story. The Sunday Club which I was fortunate enough to join last month was filled with joyful noise as 16 children gathered in our Cabin at Littlewick Green to hear a story, to share some goodies and to get involved in some crafting. Both Pebbles and the Sunday Club are wonderful opportunities for us to gather with the younger people in our area and to be energised by them and share their enthusiasm for life!

Apology - Coffee Morning!
I must apologise for not including the regular parish Coffee Morning in my newsletter last week so I am sorry if you missed it. It was on this past Wednesday, 1st March. I will make sure to remind you of the one in April but it will be the first Wednesday of the month as a pre-warning! Do go and enjoy the snowdrops if you are able over the coming days - while they are coming to an end they are still beautiful and to be marvelled at.

Prayer for Illuminate
Later this year,  there is a wonderful opportunity for engagement in our schools called Illuminate (if you're interested, there is a video here). It is a great chance for the gospel to be shared in a meaningful and relevant way. They are visiting various schools including Newlands Girls School which is in our parish so do pray for all involved in the preparations and in the sessions which run in churches and schools across Maidenhead.

Those we remember
(If you would like us to remember one of your loved ones, please let me know and I will include them in this part of my newsletter)

David Penfold
Many of you in Littlewick Green may remember David Penfold. David sadly died last December after fighting a battle with illness. I met him towards the end of this battle and was fortunate to share communion with him but I am sure you have memories of him yourself. Do keep Lynn and the family in your prayers. 

Morning Prayer at 9:15am 
Just a reminder that Morning Prayer is now happening in our parish rooms (Soltau Centre, Sunday Cabin, Priory Room) over the winter months.
St. James-the-Less, Stubbings
St. John the Evangelist, Littlewick Green
St. Mary the Virgin

Our churches are open for private prayer:

Littlewick Green – open every day 11am – 4pm
Hurley – open every day 8am – 4pm
Stubbings – open Monday to Friday 9am – 12 noon

Parish Office
As you may be aware, our Parish Administrator Claire is having medical treatment at the moment and is in the office only occasionally. In the meantime, we will be running reduced hours in the office so the best way to get in touch is via the office e-mail (office@burchettsgreenparish.org). There should be someone in the office on Monday and Thursday morning and I will be available as many Wednesday mornings as I can. For anything which you need I can also be contacted on vicar@burchettsgreenparish.org and 01628 822974, - please note the vicar's day off is Tuesday

Blessings to you all,



St. John’s Catch Up 14/03/2023


St. John’s Catch Up 27/02/2023