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Key contact details:
01628 820077
General enquires:
Parish Administrator
Burchetts Green Parish Office,
Soltau Centre, Stubbings,
Henley Road,
Maidenhead, SL6 6QW.
The Parish Office is open for visitors and phone calls three mornings a week – Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9am to 12 noon. On other days, emails will be attended to on a daily basis. The Rev Tom Etherton can be contacted at vicar@burchettsgreenparish.org and 01628 822974.
Please note the vicar's day off is Tuesday.
Finding us:
St James the Less, Stubbings is located on the Henley Road between the A404 and Maidenhead with the Soltau Centre situated behind the church.
Is located behind Stubbings church. A modern well equipped building used for a wide variety of parish and other community activities.
The Soltau Centre also houses the parish office.
For further details on use of the Soltau Centre or the Priory Room please contact the Parish Administrator.
St Mary the Virgin, Hurley is located at the river end of Hurley village with the Priory Room alongside.
Priory room
In 1987, after many years of planning, thought and prayer, the Priory Room extension was added to the Hurley site and dedicated by the newly enthroned Bishop of Oxford, Richard Harries, on 2nd July 1987. This well equipped building is used for a wide variety of parish and other community activities.
St John the Evangelist, Littlewick Green is located just off the A4 on the east side of the village green.
This new facility at Littlewick Green, will satisfy the need of our younger families, for the start of a Sunday School. Initially, it will be available for families coming to worship, who need a quiet ....or not so quiet place during the service. A buzzer system will call them back for the Blessing. The new cabin, built in Canadian Cedar, has a small kitchen area as well as its own toilet. Please contact Richard Moores 01628822282 for details.