Cycle of Prayer
Here you will find our weekly and monthly rhythms of prayer.
Prayers for Each Day
These are suggested areas of prayer for you to use each day in a way which will pray for various aspects of life around our parish. There are some key points to use and also a suggested prayer in italics but do use the points as a prompt for your own prayers as well. This is also not an exhaustive list around the parish so do include your own prayer concerns for anything in our local area.
Today we pray for Burchetts Green Infant School. The Headteacher is Rob Harris and the classes are known as Tawny Owls, Barn Owls and Snowy Owls.
Lord of all,
We pray for Rob Harris and all the staff at Burchetts Green Infant School.
May you fill them with enthusiasm and energy as they teach the children.
Guide all the children in Tawny Owls, Barn Owls and Snowy Owls in your unfailing love and grant them and all at the school your grace.
Amen. -
Today we pray for those who are in licensed ministry in our parish. Our Vicar is Reverend Tom Etherton. Our Ministry Team includes Reverend Tina Molyneux and Chris Elliott.
Gracious God,
We pray for Tom, Tina and Chris as they guide us in this place on our journeys of discipleship.
Give them grace and wisdom that they may lead us in the way you would take us and inspire us to be united in our love for you and for each other.
We give thanks for their ministry and ask you to fill them with your Spirit.
Amen. -
Today we pray for the Berkshire College of Agriculture (BCA). It is part of the Windsor Forest Colleges Group and the chair of this is Angela Wellings. They teach various levels of courses for people of different ages but mostly aimed at younger people.
God of creation,
We pray for those at the Berkshire College of Agriculture. We pray for Angela Wellings and all those who are with her on the board. May they govern the college wisely and in the interests of the students.
We pray for all who work and study at BCA, that you would energise them with learning about your created world and how we can best interact with it.
Amen. -
Today we pray for all the nurseries, preschools and childminders in our parish. There are a number of nurseries and many who look after children on an individual or small group level.
Loving Lord,
We pray for all those who nurture and care for our young children.
May you give them compassion and patience to guide those under their care as they learn about the world around them.
Give them strength and energy to inspire those they care for and bless all the children who attend any of the nurseries, preschools or other childcare facilities in our parish.
Amen. -
Today we pray for Newlands Girls School. The Headteacher is Jo Capon and there are over 1000 girls aged between 11 and 18 who attend the school.
Lord of all,
We pray for all those at Newlands Girls School. We pray for Jo Capon as she leads the staff and girls there.
May you fill her and the staff with grace and wisdom that they may inspire these young women in all their endeavours.
May you guide all the girls who attend the school in your light and love and fill them with your inspiring Spirit.
Amen. -
Today we pray for our local farmers. We pray for all who own and work at our local farms and the provision which they make for us.
Lord of the harvest,
We give thanks for our farmers and the energy and commitment they bring to our local area.
We give thanks for your provision of our natural world and pray that our farmers may be inspired by the beauty of your creation as they provide for our sustenance.
Amen. -
Today we pray for our Churchwardens. In Hurley we have Jane Smith, in Littlewick Green we have Jenny Robinson and Richard Moores and at Stubbings we have Tim Bowler and, as assistant churchwarden, Sue Wilkins.
God of peace,
We thank you for our churchwardens, Jane, Jenny, Richard, Tim and Sue.
We give thanks for their commitment and their enthusiasm to see your church thrive in these villages.
May you fill them with your grace and wisdom as they lead us in our communities and inspire us as we journey with them and you towards your kingdom.
Prayers for Each Week
These are suggested as ways in which to pray for all of the communities in our parish during the cycle of a month. There are a number of areas to pray for each week as we journey around the parish and a suggested prayer in italics. However, do use the points as a prompt for your own prayers as well. There may also be other areas you wish to pray for specifically.
This week we pray for the village of Burchetts Green. We pray for the Burchetts Green Village Association and all they do in the village. We also pray for Hurley and Bisham Parish Councils, both of whom share responsibility for the village. We pray for those who run The Crown Pub and those involved in the school.
God of life,
We lift up before you all those who live in the village of Burchetts Green. We pray for those in the Burchetts Green Village Association and all they organise for the village, giving thanks for their energy and commitment to this place.
We pray for those on Hurley and Bisham Parish Councils that you may give them your wisdom.
We pray for those who lead and are involved with Burchetts Green Infant School and all the children who attend there.
We give thanks for those who run and work at The Crown and the social opportunities they create.
May all who live and work in the village of Burchetts Green know your peace and your light this week.
Amen. -
This week we pray for the village of Hurley. We pray for the Hurley Village Association and all they do in the village. We also pray for Hurley Parish Council and the responsibility they have for the village. We pray for those who run The Dewdrop, The Rising Sun and The Olde Bell and Black Boys Inn. We pray for all involved with the River Thames, those who work on and by it and those who enjoy it for leisure.
God of life,We lift up before you all those who live in the village of Hurley.
We pray for those in the Hurley Village Association and all they organise for the village, giving thanks for their energy and commitment to this place.
We pray for those on Hurley Parish Council that you may give them your wisdom.
We give thanks for those who run and work at all the pubs around our village and the social opportunities they create.
We pray for all those who are involved with working on or by the River Thames, particularly our lockkeeper and all involved in maintaining our waterways.
May all who live and work in the village of Hurley know your peace and your light this week.
Amen. -
This week we pray for the village of Littlewick Green. We pray for the Littlewick Green Society and all they do in the village. We also pray for Hurley and White Waltham Parish Councils, both of whom share responsibility for the village. We pray for those who run The Cricketers Pub, the Shire Horse and those involved with the Gilchrist Thomas Hall.
God of life,
We lift up before you all those who live in the village of Littlewick Green. We pray for those in the Littlewick Green Society and all they organise for the village, giving thanks for their energy and commitment to this place.
We pray for those on Hurley and White Waltham Parish Councils that you may give them your wisdom.
We pray for those who are involved with and use the Gilchrist Thomas Hall, giving thanks for the opportunities this brings to the village.
We give thanks for those who run and work at The Cricketers and the social opportunities they create.
May all who live and work in the village of Littlewick Green know your peace and your light this week.
Amen. -
This week we pray for the village of Pinkneys Green and the community around Stubbings. We also pray for Bisham Parish Council and their responsibility for the village. We pray for those who run Stubbings Nursery, The Golden Ball Pub, The Pinkneys Arms and The Boundary Arms. We pray for those involved with the Pinkeys Green Youth and Community Centre.
God of life,
We lift up before you all those who live in the village of Pinkneys Green and in the community around Stubbings. We pray for all those who organise events for the village and community, giving thanks for their energy and commitment to this place.
We pray for those on Bisham Parish Council that you may give them your wisdom.
We pray for those who are involved with and use the Pinkeys Green Youth and Community Centre, giving thanks for the opportunities this brings to the area.
We give thanks for those who run and work at Stubbings Nursery, The Golden Ball, The Pinkneys Arms and the Boundary Arms and the social opportunities they create.
May all who live and work in the village of Pinkneys Green and in the community around Stubbings know your peace and your light this week.Amen.