We gathered in October 2022 to discern together what God’s vision for our parish might be. Watch the videos below or read our summary document for what we found.
As we gathered, we began by spending some time in lament. That meant grieving for all the things we had lost or had to give up during Covid or during the interregnum. It was a hard way to start but important to remember that grief and loss are a part of life too and that God grieves with us.
After sharing some lunch and fellowship together we celebrated what was good in the life of our parish, of our communities and of our churches. We rejoiced that God celebrates with us and that we are called to an abundant life of joy and hope.
We finished the day by dreaming together and being inspired by the Holy Spirit in what God might be doing in our parish, in our communities and in our churches. We lay our hopes on God and we are confident of God’s faithful response to us and that we can dream together, love together and move forwards together as the people of God.
What happens now?
A vision doesn’t give us a destination. The Christian journey isn’t about a destination either. But it helps us appreciate where we’ve come from (Lament), where we are (Celebrate) and where we want to be (Dream). It gives us an idea of the journey which we might be on together as a community with God.
We will continue to talk about this in the coming weeks and months and you will see more information coming up about how you can get involved - we all have a ministry in the Church and it is great to explore that together. Keep your eyes peeled, keep praying and keep the faith.