Get involved
We would love to invite you to get involved with all that’s going on in the Parish of Burchetts Green.
Here are some ways you can get involved…
At heart we are a worshipping community. Christians and those who are just wondering, gather together in Jesus’ name to offer praise and thanksgiving, to hear and receive God’s holy word, to pray for the needs of the world, to seek God’s love and forgiveness, and to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit. The writer of the New Testament letter ‘Hebrews’ exhorts us to meet together to encourage one another and to ’motivate one another to acts of love and good works.’ Please come and join us at any of our services and allow us to encourage you at whatever stage you may be on your spiritual journey and for you to bring encouragement to us.
For some people a really great way of getting to know others is by getting involved in the many activities that form part of the life of the church or supporting it. By volunteering you will help to spread the work and will make new friends and, above all, you will be playing your part in making our parish “a relevant focus of spiritual growth and Christ's love”, a rich reward indeed.
There is a huge variety of ways in which you can do this depending on your gifts and abilities and the time you have available. It is voluntary members of the church who assist at services in many different ways, provide refreshments, help out in practical ways to maintain the buildings and the grounds, provide administrative assistance, help visit and prepare families bringing children for baptism, help run small groups, arrange flowers, assist with groups for our children and contribute in other ways too numerous to list.
All this might sound like hard work, (sometimes it is!) but it is satisfying to see the church community prosper and helps all of us involved to meet new people and feel we belong. So, when you are ready, please do volunteer to help out in some way - the churchwardens or any of the contacts listed here would be delighted to talk further with you.
Virtually all our income comes from the voluntary giving of members and visitors or through fund-raising events. We receive no regular money from government subsidy or grants from the wider church. Most services include an opportunity to give a one-off donation, but we hope that you will wish to support us regularly though a gift-aided standing order.
We are a registered charity and, therefore, under the Gift Aid scheme, for every £ donated, we can claim a further 25p from the Inland Revenue if you are a UK tax payer. This makes an enormous difference, all we need is your declaration that you are a UK tax payer.
The best way for you to give regularly is through using the Parish Giving Scheme. You can find out more here or telephone them on 0333 002 1271.
For one off donations, please contact the Parish Office who will be happy to guide you through the process for doing this, including declaring about whether or not you are a tax payer.
You can also simply text 70085 and enter PRAISEGOD and the amount you want to give.
(e.g. PRAISEGOD 10 for a £10 donation (£20 maximum)).
We are also registered with easyfundraising and Smile.Amazon which means you can raise donations every time you shop through these website.