Come and join us at our group for children aged 0 and upwards…
Every Friday
(during term-time)
Venue: The Priory Room, Hurley
Time: 10:00 - 11:30am
We meet every Friday morning during term time (and in half-term weeks too!) There are loads of toys out for children aged 0-5 - older children are welcome too!
There is a good supply of coffee and tea for your grown-up to refuel them and there are usually some yummy biscuits to keep you fuelled up for the morning too!
Here you can see two of our Pebbles enjoying the Easter Egg Hunt we did in church a little before Easter - loads of fun!
Every week we sing a few songs and get our instruments out and have a lot of fun playing around with the toys and your grown-ups have fun doing things like chatting to each other.
We look forward to seeing you there - the first time you come you will even get given a pebble saying “God Loves You” with your name on. Then when you come again you put it in our Pebble Basket. That way we know which weeks you’re there and which you’re not.
When you bring your grown-up, tell them to park in the car park and walk up the side of the church (show them this picture) for where the Priory Room is!
We look forward to seeing you there soon!