Giving to the Church
Our parish relies on your generosity for most of our income. We do not get sent money from the central Church of England or the Government so we have to find the funds to meet all our costs include paying to have a full-time Vicar along with heating and lighting our churches to make them comfortable spaces for us all to use.
If you’re able to support us financially then you will be helping us to ensure we can continue to be churches at the heart of our communities. We would love to be here to support you when you need us but we need your help to do so.
Please see below for different ways you can support our parish financially. If you’d like to volunteer time or talents, please get in touch with our office or our Vicar and they will be happy to help.
We understand the church may have held a particularly special place in yours or your families life over the years and if you are able to include a legacy in your will it enables us to continue the building of community and support for the next generation.
Patronage Scheme
It costs us around £350 per day to keep our three churches open and running. If you aren’t able to commit to a regular gift (see below) then would you consider becoming a patron for one or more days of the year? If you wish we will add your name to our Patron Scheme along with the date which you would like to support us. This could be to commemorate a particularly special day or just a day which means something to you and you would like to mark that by supporting the church.
One-off Donations
Our church buildings are wonderful but they do often require repair work and we are always looking at ways to make them more user-friendly and environmentally conscious. If you want to know more please get in touch and we can let you know which projects we’re currently working on.
Regular Giving
If you are able to make a regular gift to the church it helps us to plan our income and expenditure more carefully and enables us to work out how we can become more involved in the communities which we find ourselves in, supporting those we can and providing safe spaces for everyone to explore faith and their relationship with God and each other.
The link to the Parish Giving Scheme for Burchetts Green is here and you are able to set how much and how often you’d like to give.