Dear friends,
Send a vicar away for a week and they come back full of ideas! Something which I was reflecting on during our holiday was how our lives get set up in certain directions at certain times. We make choices which lead us down a particular path through life. And last week I mentioned how going faster makes it easier to steer a canal boat. But it is still a difficult manoeuvre until you get practiced at it (and even then it is still not simple!)
One of the challenges I faced when steering the boat was that, unlike when I am in the car, if I want to turn the boat to the right I need to move the tiller to the left. Which when I think logically about it makes sense but when you're faced with another 18-ton canal boat bearing down on you at a combined speed of 6mph and a narrow bit of canal sometimes the pressure is on!
It made me think about the direction of our lives and how easy or hard it is to change them. I spent a number of years after school studying different subjects at university, seeking after what I should do with my life. While I was going through the process it seemed a little like a whirlpool and endlessly spinning and not getting anywhere fast. But I had a helpful spiritual friend who reflected with me that all of those times studying had lead me to where I was then (which was discerning a call to ordained ministry) and that they all fed into that. We also discussed how in a whirlpool, as in life, you are always travelling forwards, it just happens to be round and round the whirlpool!
Our lives can sometimes feel chaotic and directionless, particularly if we are struggling a bit with our faith at that point. The challenge for us is to look backwards and see where we have come from and the path we have been on and then take that forwards with us into the unknown future which awaits us. We all have a calling on our lives, whether to a form of licenced ministry or not, and God wants to lead us down the best path. Sometimes steering onto it though can feel like trying to move an 18-ton canal boat while heading for a narrow bridge with a boat coming the other way. Tricky and full of pressure! If your life is feeling like that at the moment, take time to reflect on the journey God has brought you on so far and pray that God will continue to guide you onwards in God's love. As we journey into a new weekend, let us keep the faith.
May Services
7th May
[Please note there is no Evensong at Stubbings on account of various street parties]
9:15am - Parish Communion for the Coronation @ St. John the Evangelist, Littlewick Green - with the coronation silks!
14th May
8am - Holy Communion (BCP) @ St. James-the-Less, Stubbings
10:30am - Holy Communion @ St. Mary the Virgin, Hurley
4pm - Family Service @ St. John the Evangelist, Littlewick Green
21st May
9:15am - Holy Communion @ St. John the Evangelist, Littlewick Green
10:30am - God in Quiet @ St. Mary the Virgin, Hurley
11am - Holy Communion (BCP) @ St. James-the-Less, Stubbings
28th May
9am - Come to the Table @ St. James-the-Less, Stubbings - join us from 8:45am for tea and coffee
10:30am - Holy Communion @ St. Mary the Virgin, Hurley - join us for a more informal style of service
This Sunday we hold our annual meeting where you are welcome to join us and hear about what is going on in our churches. Reports will be available on the website and copies can be requested from the office (including of the accounts). There will be a number of hard copies of the reports available on Sunday at the meeting which will begin at 11:15am following the parish service in Stubbings.
Walking Group
The revitalised Parish Walking Group met earlier this week and had a lovely walk around Stubbings followed by scones and tea in the Soltau Centre. It was a wonderful opportunity to have some social contact with people and a gentle amble around together. Look out for the next date in the coming weeks.
Coronation Tea
Please note that we will not be having our regular monthly coffee morning on Wednesday 3rd May as we will be having a Coronation Tea on Monday 8th May in the Soltau Centre at 2:30pm. Do join us as we celebrate together and enjoy some drinks, some sandwiches and cakes, music and a raffle.
Morning Prayer at 9:15am
Just a reminder that Morning Prayer is now happening in our parish rooms (Soltau Centre, Sunday Cabin, Priory Room) over the winter months.
Wednesday St. James-the-Less, Stubbings
Thursday St. John the Evangelist, Littlewick Green
Friday St. Mary the Virgin
Our churches are open for private prayer:
Littlewick Green – open every day 11am – 4pm
Hurley – open every day 8am – 4pm
Stubbings – open Monday to Friday 9am – 12 noon
Parish Office
As you may be aware, our Parish Administrator Claire is having medical treatment at the moment and is in the office only occasionally. In the meantime, we will be running reduced hours in the office so the best way to get in touch is via the office e-mail ( There should be someone in the office on Monday and Thursday morning and I will be available as many Wednesday mornings as I can. For anything which you need I can also be contacted on and 01628 822974, - please note the vicar's day off is Tuesday
Blessings to you all,