November 21 update: ST JAMES THE LESS – STUBBINGS

From the Churchwardens – Sue Harrington Hill and Mary Cooper

Dear Friends

We hope this letter finds everyone well. Christmas is approaching and listed below are the services/events taking place in Stubbings during the month of December. We begin the month with a Parish Choral Evensong at 5.00pm. We hope you will be able to join us for this early evening service.

Sunday 5th December
5.00pm Parish Advent Evensong

Sunday 12th December
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
3.30 Pinkneys Green Scouts Christingle service

Wednesday 15th December
8.00pmRenaissance Voices Concert

Thursday 16th December
5.00pm Burchetts Green C of E Infants School Christingle Service

Sunday 19th December
11.00amHoly Communion (BCP)

Friday 24th December
4.30pmStubbings Crib Service
Due to the Covid 19 variant Omicron the Crib Service at Stubbings on the 24th December 2021 has been cancelled

Saturday 25th December
11.00amBCP Christmas Communion with carols

Everyone is very welcome, of course, to join in with other services at Hurley or Littlewick Green. Full details of the services across the Parish are listed in the Parish Christmas card which is available in all three churches.

It is good that a full programme of services/events are taking place in our Church. Unlike most village churches St James the Less draws people and groups from the wider community. Many of our regular worshippers do indeed live outside the Parish.

All Souls Remembrance - October 31st
Stubbings church was open from 3.00 – 5.00pm for quiet prayer and reflection. Many people joined us during this period and took the opportunity to light a candle in remembrance of departed loved ones.

Visit from the girls and boys of Claires Court Schools – Friday 12th November
Forty boys and girls visited our church as part of their school Remembrance Day project and Sue Wilkins and Sue HH were pleased to give a short talk and show the children around Stubbings Church. They showed great interest and loved taking turns climbing into the pulpit “pretending to be a vicar!”

Remembrance Day - 14th November
This was very well attended and many thanks to Dilys who led this service.
Thanks also to those who laid wreaths:
Richard Byrnes, Ros Chandler, Pinkneys Green Scouts, Claires Court Schools, Burchetts Green Infant School.


Wednesday 1st December at 10.30am

Do come and join us for coffee and yes, plenty of cake.
Everyone is very welcome.

Fr John will be ending his Ministry with us at the end of December. We are very much indebted to him for being with us during difficult times and we offer our great thanks for all his work, support, care and kindness. Thank you Fr John and we wish you well in your new ministry at All Saints.

We look forward to welcoming Rev Tom Etherton as our new vicar for the Parish of Burchetts Green. Rev Tom and his family will be moving into the vicarage during January and a formal welcome and installation service led by Bishop Olivia will take place on 1st February 2022. We wish Rev Tom, Hannah, Alice and Robyn a happy Christmas and that their move after Christmas runs smoothly.

The weather has turned very cold over the last few days so stay warm and may we take this opportunity to wish everyone a peaceful and happy Christmas.

Best wishes

Sue and Mary


December 2021 Update: ST JAMES THE LESS - STUBBINGS