What makes a Good Christian?

Dear friends,

What makes a good Christian? I was having a conversation this week about the perception among many (particularly, but not limited to, those in our Church of England) that attendance at church on a Sunday is desirable at the least for someone who is a good Christian - some even view it as essential or the pinnacle of when we have 'become' a Christian.

You may not be surprised to know that I do not like this view! It is not enough for us simply to say "You don't have to be at church on a Sunday to be a Christian". We have to change our mindset around our faith. I do not believe we can be Christians in isolation - after all God called us to two great commandments: love God and love our neighbour. We are created to be in community. But we are also created to be holy.

Alan Watts, a famous Buddhist writer, once said that "A holy person is someone who is whole; who has, as it were, reconciled his opposites." Our world is full of opposites. Paul talks about this in his letter to the Romans when he says "the trouble is not with the law, for it is spiritual and good. The trouble is with me, for I am all too human, a slave to sin.I don't really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do what I hate." We are contrary beings by our nature. But God wants to help reconcile our opposites; to bring together our humanity with God's divinity. That is why we look to Jesus for examples because Jesus was both man and God.

The challenge for us is not to work out what makes a good Christian. We shouldn't be trying to create a checklist or a set of standards or rules by which we can identify those who are in and those who are out. Instead we should be working out what makes us a good Christian. How can we be the best version of the person God has created us to be? God wants us to have life in all its fulness while also appreciating God's eternal plan and purposes. Another opposite to reconcile - mortality and eternity. If we can reconcile that, we will be some way towards becoming what we might consider to be a good Christian - someone who loves God and loves our neighbour. And, as we seek to become closer to the best version of ourselves, let us all keep the faith.

Upcoming Services

Sunday 24th September
9am - Come to the Table @ St. James-the-Less, Stubbings
10:30am - Harvest Festival Communion @ St. Mary the Virgin, Hurley

Sunday 1st October
9:15am - Holy Communion with Sunday Club @ St. John the Evangelist, Littlewick Green
10:30am - God Through Music @ St. Mary the Virgin, Hurley
5pm - Evensong (BCP) at St. James-the-Less, Stubbings

Sunday 8th October
8am - Holy Communion (BCP) @ St. James-the-Less, Stubbings
10:30am - Holy Communion @ St. Mary the Virgin, Hurley
4pm - Harvest Festival Family Service @ St. John the Evangelist, Littlewick Green

Harvest Meals
We now have dates for all of our parish Harvest meals so do feel free to attend all, some or none of them depending on your availability and preferences! They are as follows:
7:30pm Saturday 23rd September @ St. Mary the Virgin, Hurley
5pm Sunday 8th October @ St. John the Evangelist, Littlewick Green (immediately after the family service)
12noon Sunday 15th October @ St. James-the-Less, Stubbings (immediately after the 11am communion)

Young Soloists Concert
We are very excited about our concert on Saturday 7th October at 7pm where we feature four young soloists from the local area, along with an accompanist that some of you will recognise if you hear the organ played regularly at Littlewick Green! Tickets are available here: https://www.hurleymusicarts.com/young-soloist-concert and if you are unable to get them online please get in touch with myself or the Parish Office and we can arrange to get them on your behalf and print them for you.

Church Website
I am looking for someone who would be willing to spend around an hour each week updating our Church Website. It involves copying the newsletter across to the website and uploading the sermon from Sunday. I am happy to provide instruction and details if anyone is interested, please get in touch with me.

Morning Prayer at 9:15am 
St. James-the-Less, Stubbings
St. John the Evangelist, Littlewick Green
St. Mary the Virgin

Our churches are open for private prayer:

Littlewick Green – open every day 11am – 4pm
Hurley – open every day 8am – 4pm
Stubbings – open Monday to Friday 9am – 12 noon

Parish Office
Please get in touch with Claire via the office e-mail (office@burchettsgreenparish.org). She is there on Monday-Friday mornings and can be contacted on 01628 820077 as well. For anything which you need I can also be contacted on vicar@burchettsgreenparish.org and 01628 822974, - please note my day off is usually Tuesday.

Blessings to you all,



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